Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns

With much help from Use R: Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R by Roger S. Bivand, Edzer Pebesma, Virgilio Gomez-Rubio

whole script just in case

This is mainly to visualize and analyze spatial data to determine if it is uniform, clustered, or randomly spaced.

There’s way more in-depth ways to analyze patterns in spatial and/or temporal data, but this is a way to begin to see if there is a pattern in spatial data at both large and small scales.

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We will be using data on spatial distributions of Japanese Pine, Redwood saplings, and locations of cell centers.


1. Standardizing and Visualizing Spatial Data

We can look at the plots for each of these basic point pattern data sets

plot(japanesepines, main = "Japanese Pines", axes = TRUE)
plot(redwoodfull, main = "redwood", axes = TRUE)
plot(cells, main = "cells", axes = TRUE)

1, 2 3

These are point pattern data sets, or in ppp format aka “cartesian corrdinates of points in a two-dimensional plane”

we need the the points in a format that can be used by SpatStat and can include more information about each point

We need to convert to SpatialPoints

spjpines <- as(japanesepines, "SpatialPoints")
spred <- as(redwoodfull, "SpatialPoints")
spcells <- as(cells, "SpatialPoints")

SpatialPoints returns data to its original scale

However, these are not directly comparable

plot(spjpines, main = "japanese pines", axes = TRUE)
plot(spred, main = "redwood", axes = TRUE)
plot(spcells, main = "cells", axes = TRUE)

summary(spjpines)#max of 5.7
summary(spred)#max of 1
summary(spcells)#max of 1

The Japanese pines have a max x axis of 5.7

Thankfully, we can use the elide method for standardizing SpatialPoints scales

spjpines1 <- elide(spjpines, scale=TRUE, unitsq=TRUE)
summary(spjpines1)#now the max = 1

Now we can set up a comparable data frame


However, we need it to differentiate between the 3 different categories


dpp<-cbind(dpp,c(rep("JAPANESE",njap), rep("REDWOOD", nred), rep("CELLS", ncells))) 
names(dpp)<-c("x", "y", "DATASET")


Now we can look at the standardized data as a whole

print(xyplot(y~x|DATASET, data=dpp, pch=19, aspect=1))

Correct standardized plots triple plot

if we didn’t standardize the spacing of the Japanese pines,

we would have gotten this incorrect plots

From the looks of it, redwood trees seem clustered in a few places, cells seem spaced evenly, and pines seem possibly random…

2.Testing for Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR)

G function: Distance to the Nearest Event

compares an “envelope” of expected random distribution to the observed data (based on nearest neighbor distance)

Null hypothesis: Complete Spatial Randomness:

\[G(r) = 1 - exp (-λπr^2)\]

λ = mean number of events per unit area (or intensity, which is important in other tests as well)

We will be using the functions Gest and envelope

r <- seq(0, sqrt(2)/6, by = 0.001)

envjap <- envelope(as(spjpines1, "ppp"), fun=Gest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99)

envred <- envelope(as(spred, "ppp"), fun=Gest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99)

envcells <- envelope(as(spcells, "ppp"), fun=Gest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99)

This created our theoretical random data for each set of observations

Time to combine it all:

Gresults <- rbind(envjap, envred, envcells) 
Gresults <- cbind(Gresults, 
                  y=rep(c("JAPANESE", "REDWOOD", "CELLS"), each=length(r)))

And the plot:

print(xyplot(obs~theo|y, data=Gresults, type="l", 
             panel=function(x, y, subscripts)
               lpolygon(c(x, rev(x)), 
                        c(Gresults$lo[subscripts], rev(Gresults$hi[subscripts])),
                        border="gray", col="gray"
               llines(x, y, col="black", lwd=2)

G function

There are stats that go with these graphs, but

Redwoods show clustered pattern (values of G above the envelopes)

Cells shows a more regular pattern (values of G below the envelopes)

Japanese Pines seem to fit in the null envelope of Complete Spatial Randomness

3. Second Order Properties

Second-order properties measure the strength and type of the interactions between events of the point process

We want to measure strength and types of interactions between points

K-function measures the number of events found up to a given distance of any particular event

We will be using the Kest and envelope functions

Kenvjap<-envelope(as(spjpines1, "ppp"), fun=Kest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99) #we are still using the standardized pine plot(spjpines1)

Kenvred<-envelope(as(spred, "ppp"), fun=Kest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99)

Kenvcells<-envelope(as(spcells, "ppp"), fun=Kest, r=r, nrank=2, nsim=99)

Once again, R creates a random envelope range following the null of CSR

Time to combine:

Kresults<-rbind(Kenvjap, Kenvred, Kenvcells)

                y=rep(c("JAPANESE", "REDWOOD", "CELLS"), each=length(r)))

And the plot of all 3:

print(xyplot((obs-theo)~r|y, data=Kresults, type="l", 
             ylim= c(-.06, .06), ylab=expression(hat(K) (r)  - pi * r^2),
             panel=function(x, y, subscripts)
               Ktheo<- Kresults$theo[subscripts]
               lpolygon(c(r, rev(r)), 
                        c(Kresults$lo[subscripts]-Ktheo, rev(Kresults$hi[subscripts]-Ktheo)),
                        border="gray", col="gray"
               llines(r, Kresults$obs[subscripts]-Ktheo, lty=2, lwd=1.5, col="black")   

K function

Japanese Pines seem to follow CSR while redwood and cells do not